Late again, but this time it's less than a week, and after this I'll be caught up! Jump over to Concrete Jane to see what this is all about, and how you can join in on the fun each week and be entered to win cool and yummy prizes!

This Last week's question is was:
What's on your positivity playlist this summer? Share your favorite feel-good songs!
This topic is really fun. There were a couple of these posts last summer as well. I love discovering new music (speaking of, I am in dire need of some new tunes right now... help!), especially songs I can rock out to without a care of who is watching. I don't have a real theme to my list, just that they are fun and I love them!
Lady Antebellum - Perfect Day
I love Lady Antebellum. This song reminds me to be happy with the little things in life; that sometimes you just need to stop, relax, and live in the moment you are in, free of worries about current or future problems, and just enjoy.
Awesome lyrics: What I'd give if I could find a way to stay / Lost in this moment now
LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
Okay, is this song not me, or what? Not because I'm crazy conceited and think I'm the hottest person on the planet or anything, but because it's fun, it's hilarious, I can dance to it, and I don't care who's watching when I do it.
Hilarious lyrics: We're headed to the bar baby don't be nervous / No shoes, no shirt and I still get service
Signmark - Smells Like Victory
I. Freeking. Love. Signmark. He's a Deaf rapper from Finland. I met him a few months ago in NYC, got his autograph and took a picture with him. I even have an exclusive interview recorded on my phone. ;-) Many of his songs are about overcoming adversity as a Deaf music artist, and this one proves just that. His entire album accompanies a DVD with a music video for each song. As you can see in this video, he signs all of his lyrics, while his hearing friend, Brendan, raps. Brendan does not know sign language, but is currently learning, and the two of them write music and lyrics together. Signmark (Marko Vuoriheimo) knows Finnish sign language, Finnish, American Sign Language, and English (possibly more, but these are the four that I know of). Signmark is proof that anyone can do anything they dream of doing. Get out there and do it.
Fantastical lyrics: So loosen up you seem a little uptight right / Maybe cause a deaf man came and stole your spotlight
How about you? What's on your positivity playlist?
Anyone can participate in Freeky Fridays. Bounce back over to Concrete Jane to make sure you are entered to win some delicious treats and have a donation made in your name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!
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I love comments. They warm my soul with bonfires and snuggly blankets and hot chocolate and other soul-warming existences. Thanks for heatin' mine up!