Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Time for Something New! TurboFire Day 1

Today, I fired up my fitness routine. I had slacked for much too long, and had planned for much too long to shake things up and start something new. I actually planned to start earlier, but my boyfriend wanted us to do this program together, and he was still finishing up P90X.

So today, I started TurboFire. TurboFire was created by Chalene Johnson, who I wrote a post about once before when I was doing her 30 Day Challenge with her book, PUSH. This program is a cardio conditioning program focusing on HIIT workouts -- High Intensity Interval Training. You have probably heard of HIIT before, but in case you haven't, it is short bursts of intense cardio, giving it everything you've got, followed by a rest period. HIIT workouts keep you burning fat longer, even after your workout is complete. This doesn't mean that the rest of the workout is resting or easy cardio -- far from it. It just means that certain points in the workout are higher intensity than the others.

Well, Day 1 complete! Today was the introduction, called "Get Fired Up," which answered a bunch of commonly asked questions about the program and informed me on what to expect. Then, began the first workout - the Fire Starter Class. Each workout is set up like a class experience. It feels like you are right there with Chalene while she pushes and motivates you to do your best. The Fire Starter Class demonstrates the moves and choreography that will be used in the program. It takes a bit of practice, but once you get used to it, the workout is pretty fun. It has great music, too, that really keeps you pumped up and energized. Also, all of the moves can be modified to fit your own fitness level, whether that be higher or lower than what's going on in the videos.

After Fire Starter, was the Stretch 10 class. It's just like it sounds -- stretching and cooling down the body to prevent injury and to gain flexibility. Stretching is a necessary part of fitness! It keeps you flexible, lean, limber, and prevents injuries.

I knew my cardio had declined big time, because sadly, simple tasks like running up the stairs made me a little out of breath. I had to take a break or two for the first day of the program, but I did better than I thought I would.

Overall, the first day was a success! TurboFire is going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait for tomorrow!


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