Friday, July 29, 2011

Freeky Friday: Embarrassment? Eh, Who Cares?

Freeky Friday

Today, Freekware wants to know:

Part of positivity is about not taking yourself too seriously. Tell us an embarrassing story about yourself!

Oh, boy. Well, anyone who knows me knows I'm probably the biggest klutz in the world. Okay, maybe not the biggest. But possibly the most consistent. My awkwardness most often involves me knocking something over (like the time I was at Friendly's with my boyfriend and my best friend Roger, and I knocked a glass of Sprite over, causing it to spill across the table and cascade down into Roger's lap), walking or knocking into things (like when I constantly stub my toe or hit my elbow on the closest piece of furniture or wall), or knocking into someone else (like when I knocked heads with my boyfriend just sitting on the couch). These things occur on a regular, daily basis. How he puts up with me, I don't know. Maybe it's because he once shut my ankle in the couch recliner, or he always steps on my feet. ;-)

So then, which of these times was I most embarrassed with myself? Well, none. My most embarrassing story doesn't involve any of this. It doesn't involve anything. Because I don't have one. No, I'm not lying, though you probably think I am, because everyone does. "Everyone has a most embarrassing moment!" they tell me. Well, I'm not everyone. Thank God, because the majority of the world is insane, anyway.

I don't have a most embarrassing moment, not because stupid or embarrassing things never happen to me, or I never do or say stupid things (for a person who has a Master's degree from an Ivy League school, I can have pretty moronic blonde moments), but because I just don't care when they do happen. I'm not one to be easily embarrassed or let the idiotic and klutzy things I do get to me. I laugh at myself. When I spilled the Sprite on Roger, I was laughing hysterically for a long time, so hard my stomach hurt and they could have made a new drink with my tears. Granted the Sprite wasn't in my lap, but still, I know people who would let that embarrass them and apologize profusely. I did apologize... between gasps for air. I let things go. When I stub my toe or hit my elbow on the wall, dresser, doorknob (yes, that's happened. A lot.), or whatever else, sure I may shout some expletives (especially for stubbing the toe -- that one sucks!), but I usually just ignore it and continue whatever I was doing or saying. It happens so often that I've just become accustomed to it on a daily basis. Just last night, after making ravioli for my boyfriend and myself, as I was scooping sauce onto my plate, I somehow managed to push one off my plate so hard that it slid off the counter, between the handle and the panel of the drawer below it, and onto the floor. That could only happen to me. But, at least it was off my plate and not his. And at least I have dogs who will gladly clean up the mess for me. So, oops. Oh well. 

So, moral of the story is... who cares? Laugh at yourself and let it go. Make a joke about it. Or just ignore it and move on. Life's too short to be embarrassed or regretful about the stupid and klutzy things we do. Enjoy it!

So, Freekware wants to know:

Part of positivity is about not taking yourself too seriously. Tell us an embarrassing story about yourself!

You can participate in three ways! Check out to see how you can participate, win some yummy peanut butter s'mores, and have a donation made in your name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! 


  1. i didn't see your foot when I closed the recliner :-( sorry baby. You forgot to mention the times where we bite each others lip on accident lol

  2. Haha, there are just too many to mention, or it would go on forever! =)


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