Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Write on Wednesdays: Let's Take a Stroll

Write On Wednesdays

I have stumbled upon something in the blogosphere at Ink Paper Pen, through Writing Out Loud, called Write on Wednesdays. See Ink Paper Pen above to see the full prompt and find out what this is all about. This week is about going for a walk and writing down your thoughts and what you see. This is my first attempt at Write on Wednesdays.

I change into comfortable black sweat pants, branding my alumni status from my graduate school down the left leg in blue capital letters; "COLUMBIA." Something I can actually be proud of. I slip into my exercise sneakers, Nike, black and teal, and stylish if I do say so myself. I call to my Husky/Greyhound mixed dog, Nikki, who is enjoying her safe haven under my bed. "Nikki, wanna go out?" usually perks her right up enough to crawl out and run downstairs. This time, she doesn't want to move. I change my tactics. "Nikki, walk?" She immediately peeks her head out. I repeat the question. She sprints out of my room and down the thirteen steps to the landing.

I fasten red leashes onto both dogs, and we're off... out the garage door, down the driveway and out of our little half cul-de-sac/court/dead-end street. I worry how long of a walk Floppy can handle, as he is fifteen and has arthritis in his hips. At the end of the court, I ask the mutts which way we should go. They both start walking left, so I follow.

The air is warm, but not too warm. The sun peeks through clouds and various trees along the streets. The area is quiet, with only the sound of my sneakers pounding and the dogs' paws clicking on the pavement. Occasionally, a car or truck drives by.

My neighborhood isn't much to look at, so my mind wanders. Watching the simple life of my dogs, I start to wonder what the minds of dogs look like, and what their thoughts might be.

Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff. What's that bush smell like? What's that tree smell like? What's that grass smell like? Sniff, sniff. Another dog's urine! Jackpot! I must steal this territory as my own!
No, that's poison ivy. You're not going anywhere near that. Sorry, pup.
Why are you pulling me away?! This is mine! 
What's that? Another dog barking? I must bark louder! 
He's behind a fence. You can't even see him.
Stop pulling me away! I must bark with that dog! Collar... choking... don't care... must... continue... must... bark.... with... dog...
How are you doing, Floppy? 
Thirsty. Water! What's that? Sniff sniff... SQUIRREL! Chase, chase! Stupid leash! Great, it went up a tree! I could have caught it if you let me go!
Oh, that's a cute house. I like the bench outside and the stone walkway.
Sniff, sniff. Who else has been here? What other dogs have been stealing my territory? Sniff, sniff.
Time to go home, guys.
Sniff, sniff, sniff.
Home, sweet home!
Thirsty. Water! Drink drink drink...


  1. Kerry, I really like your dual perspective of the walk. Sharing your thoughts and what you believe your dogs are thinking really brought this post to life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I loved how you got the dogs perspective as well. I do wonder myself what goes through my dogs mind when she walks with me. Great way to use the prompt!

  3. Thanks for the feedback guys! I had fun with this.

  4. Hehe, I'd say you have the dogs' POV down pat. Love the duelling between dogs and owner. Fun read!

  5. I love this post! It gave me good laugh and a great read. Nice work Kerry!=)



  6. So great to see all of the pieces this week with dogs and kids along on walks. :) Great POV.

  7. Hi Kerry! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I'm a dog lover and loved the way you wrote from the dog's perspective.

    Anne xx


I love comments. They warm my soul with bonfires and snuggly blankets and hot chocolate and other soul-warming existences. Thanks for heatin' mine up!

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