Friday, August 5, 2011

Freeky Friday: Where to begin...

Freeky Friday

Freekware's Freeky Friday topic of the day is...

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

(If this is your first time reading one of these, or just wondering what the heck this is, head over to Concrete Jane to read what this is all about and the inspirational story of how and why it started!)

My first reaction to this question was to say "Italy!" I'm half Italian, I've never been, I've always wanted to go, and it's probably my number one place I want to travel to before I die. Then I thought, "How do I make a blog-length post about one word?" Italy. I want to go to Italy. Why? I already explained that... hmm... Then I thought, "There are so many other places I want to go, would I want to go to Italy first, or save it for 'last?'"

I have this thing called My Bucket List. I'm sure almost everyone has one of these. You know, all the things you want to eventually do before you kick it. Well, as I said, going to Italy is on mine. I planned on writing about this topic in a separate post, inspired by a 15-year old girl named Alice, but it also seems fitting now. While talking about one's own mortality seems a bit gloomy, having these goals to accomplish is not. That's the positive side. And I want to complete as many of them as possible, if not all. Some of them are already done, like go jet-skiing, graduate with a Master's degree, fire a gun, sing karaoke, crowd surf, thank a soldier, and fall in love.

As I said, again... Italy is the number one place I want to travel to. I've written everything down in no particular order, but to answer today's question, instead of immediately choosing my number one place, I've decided to share all the places I want to travel on my list (I'll spare the rest, as the entire thing is currently three pages). I basically want to travel the world, but these are the key points I want to visit:
  • Italy!
  • Ireland
  • Australia
  • Scotland
  • Switzerland
  • Greece
  • England
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Bahamas
  • Egypt
  • Hawaii
  • California
  • Alaska
And basically everywhere else. Two other ones on my list are to step foot on every (yes, every) continent and to visit all fifty states. I'm still on one continent, and only six states down... but I'll get there one day! Unfortunately, travel requires money, which I don't currently have, so that's another obstacle. 

There's my list. I would pick any one of these places at random and be happy with the outcome. So, what about you? 

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?

You can participate in three ways! Check it out at Concrete Jane to see how, be entered to win this month's prize of yummy Reverse Chocolate Chip Cookies, and have a donation made in your name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Hop to it, Freeks!

1 comment:

  1. Great choices! My bucket list is definitely full of places to visit, too :)


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