Friday, September 9, 2011

And The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To!... What? Me?!

The wonderful Lene has nominated lil' ol' me for the Versatile Blogger Award this week, and, aw shucks, I couldn't be more honored. Thank you Lene!
To accept this award, the nominee must do the following things:
1) Thank the person who gave the nomination (check! see above!)
2) List 7 interesting facts about him or herself
3) Pass on the nomination to 15 newly discovered blogs

Here are my seven "interesting" facts about myself (which may actually be boring to other people):
1. I am a Team Beachbody Coach, getting paid to help others get fit and achieve their fitness goals, and I love every minute of it.

2. I literally just made an Insanity Transformation Video after completing the 60-day program, hopefully to inspire others to move and keep pushing play.

3. I know American Sign Language (duh), love using it on a daily basis, and teach ASL privately.

4. I absolutely despise seafood. It sickens me.

5. I've seen every single episode of "Gilmore Girls," and own all seven seasons on DVD (don't judge me). I'm also obsessed with the TV show "Bones."

6. I've recently become infatuated with TOMS shoes. I love their movement, One for One, and their shoes are super comfy!

7. My mom wanted to name me Chloe or Dana, but my dad refused. They finally decided on Kerry because it's Irish (which is what my dad wanted) and it sounds nice (according to Mom). Kerry means "Dark-haired princess."

A bonus fact: It took me about twenty minutes just to think of those things about myself, since my life is so exciting and all.

Now, time to pass the torch. Check out these blogs I love! Do it. My nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award are:

Amanda at Concrete Jane
Daniel at Daniel Meyer Blog
Sarah at Sensibly Sassy
Douglas at Marvinator's Place
Deb Ann and Hannah at Waving With My Deaf Hands
C at Apparently, This is My Life
Jayne at Jayne Watkins
Adam at merry wanderer of the night
Ashley at Perpetually Me
Sarah at that space in between
Sherry at Fit Coach Sherry
Janice at Mommy's Lounge
Amanda at Amanda St. Clair
Leslie at Gleaning Grace
Morgan at Snapshots


  1. Yayyyy! Thank you so much Kerry! It means a lot to me that you like my blog. I enjoy yours as well and will be re-nominating you when I do my post!

  2. Versatile Blogger Award - You've Been Nominated!

  3. Wow. This is the first time I've been nominated for anything. I'm not sure I quite know what to say or do! But thank you! And I'll be sure to pass on the torch!

  4. Thank you so much!! You made my day :)


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