Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Write on Wednesdays: One Liner

Write On Wednesdays

This is my third week with Write on Wednesdays. Today is about a great one liner that describes a part of my day. Click the button above to read the full prompt. Here is my line:

And as we lay together, listening to the rhythmic drumming of his heart, fingers laced and legs intertwined, I knew I had found my treasure.

Hop on over to InkPaperPen at the button above to read others' posts for this week!


  1. There is so much in that sentence! Great post for Write on Wednesday!

    Can't wait for the next part.


  2. What a great starting line... what happens next???? ;)

  3. Beautiful, Kerry! By these words I'm sure you indeed have found your treasure. :)

  4. The love pouring out of this sentence is amazing.

  5. Thank you everyone! It describes a part of my day yesterday perfectly, and nearly every day. I feel this way always, and that I am truly blessed and the luckiest girl in the world to finally have found someone so amazing. Sometimes it is just unbelievable. =)

  6. :-) Hehe i love it. You are amazing :-*

  7. What a beautiful expression of love! Just lovely!

  8. Oh, that's beautiful Kerry. What a beautiful moment.

    Anne xx

  9. Kerry is this the opening to the Kama Sutra? lol Great spicy one liner! BTW, I added you as well to my "Blogs I Follow" :-)

  10. Thanks everyone!

    @Daniel M - It actually wasn't meant to be spicy at all, LOL. But I can see how it could be. Thanks for the add!

  11. I remember those moments :) Now that I have 4 kids - those morning moments are few and far between! Great work xx

  12. Aww this is so lovely-I hope I can write something similar one day (other than from my imagination lol) :)

  13. Oh, I love this Kerry. Sounds like my kinda story! Gorgeous.

  14. Beautiful! I know that feeling, it's wonderful. Like a perfect moment in time, when you'd like to push the "pause" button and just be. Well done!

  15. beautiful line, beautiful imagery. as janelle says above, a perfect moment in time.

  16. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! Much appreciated.

  17. Sweet words and fantastic imagery! Well done!! :)

  18. This is just beautiful. Such a gorgeous moment and you have captured it perfectly. Well done!

    By the way, I've just nominated you for a 'Versatile Blogger award' pop over to check it out! xx

  19. Such a lovely image captured with your words.

  20. I liked it. Simple but sums up the moment! Pleased to see you back for yet another week



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