Friday, June 8, 2012

Freeky Friday: Grateful

Freeky Friday

It's back! Freeky Friday is back! Yay!

For those of you going, "Huh?!" head over to Concrete Jane and see the inspiring story of what it's all about and how you can win prizes and have a donation made in your name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

The first question of the summer is:

What's the best thing that's happened to you over the last year? Get creative with your answer! It can be something you experienced, something you witnessed, something you participated in, something you realized... the possibilities are endless!

It took me a very long time to come up with an answer to this question. The reason being was because my brain could not focus on anything other than the grim event that occurred just four days ago; my beautiful, 16 year old puppy being put to sleep. Yeah, I said puppy. He was my baby. Deal with it.

I have been absolutely beside myself. Just when I think my body couldn't possibly possess any more water and I must be dehydrated to raisin-like status, something triggers more tears and they continue to fall.

So, needless to say, it's been consuming my thoughts. It was difficult to zero in on any one good thing while I miss my best friend so much and I wish for him to come back, for this to be a horrible nightmare so someone can pinch me and I'll wake up and everything will be just fine again.

But now I'm ranting.

I'll be honest. I hadn't even decided on an answer to this question when I started writing this post. But, it came to me. I realized that it's quite simple, really.

The best thing that has happened to me over the last year was getting one more year with my baby boy.

Last June, almost to the day when he got sick this year, Floppy had surgery at age 15. It was vital that he have a spleenectomy, or he would bleed out internally and we would lose him. He was strong, and his vitals were healthy, so we went for it. And he survived with flying colors. In less than a week, he was back to his old self, like nothing had ever happened. 

Most people may not have taken that risk on a 15 year-old dog. They may have put him down instead to end his suffering. But I am so very grateful that we chose to take the chance and believe in him. Without it, I would have lost out on another happy year with him. I would have missed more joyous memories, more chances to take pictures, and one more year of unconditional love.

Words cannot describe how much I miss him. But I know he had a long, happy, loving life with us. And he will always, always have a special place in my heart reserved just for him.

Jump back over to Concrete Jane to see the multiple ways you can participate - anyone can join in - and win some tasty treats, and have a donation made in your name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


  1. awwww - so sorry. Pets steal out hearts, that is for certain. Hope you are doing better.

  2. This is my first time stopping by -- through the Tuesday Archives Link-Up via Debbie^ at Wrinkled Mommy.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know what's going on this summer, but it seems like every other day, I'm hearing about someone losing their pet. We lost Tyler (16 yr old spaniel/retriever mix) two years ago, and I still think of her every day. I had been out of town and was lucky enough to get home in time to have a half hour with her at the end. She definitely took a piece of my heart with her, so I know just how you're feeling. Sending virtual hugs [and puppy kisses] your way.


I love comments. They warm my soul with bonfires and snuggly blankets and hot chocolate and other soul-warming existences. Thanks for heatin' mine up!

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