Monday, September 5, 2011

Two Truths and a Lie

I played this game with my ASL students as a student teacher, and thought it might be fun to play it here with whoever actually reads this thing. You may have heard of it or played before. The game is called Two Truths and a Lie. The way it works is that I tell you three things about myself; two of them are true, and one is a downright lie. Then you, the reader, leave a comment with your guess as to which one is the lie. After a few undetermined amount of guesses, I will post the answer. So, let's get to it! I'll keep it simple for the first game.

1) I've never broken a bone.
2) If I wasn't a teacher, I'd want to go to veterinary school.
3) The first time I shot a gun, I had 100% accuracy.

So, which one is the lie? Leave a comment with your guess!

Feel free to play this game as well; just please credit it back to my blog. :-)


I love comments. They warm my soul with bonfires and snuggly blankets and hot chocolate and other soul-warming existences. Thanks for heatin' mine up!

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